
RDF: President Kagame Approves the Retirement of Five Generals and Over 1,000 Officers

Kigali, August 30, 2024 – President Paul Kagame, Commander-in-Chief of the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF), has approved the retirement of five generals, marking a significant moment in the renewal of the country’s armed forces.

General Jean Bosco Kazura: Former Chief of Defence Staff of the RDF, General Jean Bosco Kazura played a crucial role in transforming the Rwandan military. He oversaw key reforms that modernized the army, making it more efficient and prepared to participate in global peacekeeping operations. His career was marked by unwavering commitment to the development of the RDF and national security.

Brigadier General John Bagabo: Brigadier General John Bagabo is known for his expertise in military strategy and leadership within the RDF. He held key command positions, overseeing critical operations both within Rwanda and internationally. His influence was vital in managing and planning military operations, strengthening the RDF’s ability to respond to security challenges.

Brigadier General John Bosco Rutikanga: A specialist in military training, Brigadier General John Bosco Rutikanga significantly contributed to enhancing the RDF’s operational capabilities. His work in developing training programs was essential in preparing Rwandan troops to meet field demands effectively. He leaves behind a legacy of rigor and professionalism.

Brigadier General Johnson Hodari: Brigadier General Johnson Hodari played a central role in military intelligence. His expertise provided crucial strategic information for national defense, contributing significantly to Rwanda’s security. His dedication to protecting the country and his distinguished service were widely recognized throughout his career.

Brigadier General Firmin Bayingana: As head of logistics in the RDF, Brigadier General Firmin Bayingana ensured the efficient management of military resources and infrastructure. His ability to organize and optimize military logistics was invaluable to the RDF’s operational effectiveness. He left a lasting impact on the logistical management of the Rwandan armed forces, ensuring their preparedness and responsiveness.

In addition to these generals, the retirement of 170 senior officers and 992 other ranks was also approved. These retirements are part of a strategy to ensure the rejuvenation and continuity within the RDF, while honoring the long careers of those who have served with dedication.

This reorganization reflects President Kagame’s commitment to maintaining a dynamic, disciplined military force ready to meet current and future security challenges. By facilitating the transition to a new generation of officers, the RDF continues to strengthen its reputation as a respected military force both nationally and internationally.
